Studies suggest that the acid in your stomach is strong enough to.dissolve razor blades.
Pineapple acts as a natural painkiller because it contains anti-inflammatory enzymes.
Studies suggest that the acid in your stomach is strong enough to.dissolve razor blades.
Pineapple acts as a natural painkiller because it contains anti-inflammatory enzymes.
Which city in Maharashtra is served by Dr. Ambedkar International Airport ?
(A) Pune
(B) Kolhapur
(C) Nagpur
(D) Aurangabad
Apple iOS6:
200 New Features.
Maps by Apple.
iOS 6 free upgrade from all iPhone,ipad, iPod from September.
More languages still no Hindi.
Facebook integration.
The Most Popular Measure Of Inflation In India Is:
Wholesale Price Index.
The Headquarter Of RBI Is Situated
At Mumbai.
35 Hours Of Videos Uploaded To
YouTube Every Minute.
1.2 Million Editors Editing 11 Million Articles Per Month.
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) was
established in 1918. Headquarters of IUPAC is located in Zurich,
Definition: (noun)
A newly invented word or phrase.
Synonyms: coinage.
mAh - MiliAmpere Hour
It Is Capacity Or Strength Of Battery
Higher mAh - Longer Battery Backup
Where Is A Great Dark Plain Called 'MARIA' Found ?
Answer: Moon
The Shape Of Our Milky Way Galaxy
Is Spiral.
CAL: Centre For Legal Action.
Who Was The 1st ODI Captain For
India ?
-Ajit Wadekar.
How Long Are Professional Golf Tour Players Allotted Per Shot ?
-45 Second
Bolivar Is Monetary Unit Of Venezuela.
Inside Trading Is Related To Share Market.
The Headquarter Of RBI Is Situated At Mumbai.
Wipro was established in 1945 as a
vegetable oil manufacturer in Maharashtra.
At that time it was known as Western India Products Ltd
Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) is a technique that temporarily takes over the function of the heart and lungs during surgery.
India to buy 8 warships from South
Beijing University to teach Gujarati.
India prepares to counter China's
clout with INS Satpura.
Shehan Karunatilaka, author of
'Chinaman' wins the Commonwealth
Book Prize for 2012.
Maria Sharapova (Russia) wins
French Open title.
55 per cent of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else
Reading about yawning makes most people yawn.
First mughal emperor was BABAR (1526) and last was BAHADUR SHAH JAFAR II.
Talc is the softest of minerals.
It is commonly used to make talcum powder.
Camels can drink 94 litres ( 25 gallons) of water in less than 3 minutes.
Rafael Nadal wins the 7th French Open title.
Congratulations to this confident sports star!
The First Full Length Computer
Generated Featured Film ?
Toy Story.
Who Developed The PHP ?
Ramus Lerdorf.
ASP: Active Server Pages.
RSS: Really Simple Syndication.
XAML: Extensible Application Markup Language
Definition: (verb)
Hold back to a later time.
Synonyms: postpone, put off, defer, set back, shelve, table, remit, hold over.
Definition: (verb)
Spend thoughtlessly; throw away.
Synonyms: waste, blow.
Definition: (verb)
To happen or happen to.
Synonyms: bechance, befall.
The number of births that occur in
India each year is higher than the
entire population of Australia.
A rabbit is not able to vomit.
The small intestine in the human
body is about 2 inches around & 22 feet long.
A chicken is 75 % water.
Over 80% of the brain is water.
The name Santa Claus came from Saint Nicholas who was a bishop in the town of Myra, and was known to be very nice to children.
Each day the sun causes about 1 trillion tons of water to evaporate.
An elephant can live up to the age of seventy,or in some cases even more.
Who Was The World Famous Comedian To Show The Marvel Of His Art In City Lights And The Gold Rush ?
Ans . Sir Charlie Spencer Chaplin.
What Is Water Glass ?
Ans: Sodium Silicate
Who Gave Us The Nomenclature
Ans: Ehren Bergs.
MAC: Maximum Alleviable Concentration.
NNI: Noise And Number Index.
NRN: Noise Rating Numbers.
LTH: Lactigenic Hormone.
The medicine that deals with the structure, function, diagnosis & treatment of diseases of the stomach & intestine is called Gastroenterology.
June 8 - World Ocean Day.
Google makes about $700 a second
We've Already forgotten 40% of what happened to us yesterday
Nomophobia-Fear of losing your
10 Foods Help You To Lose Weight
Green tea
Olive oil
Chile peppers
Almond Butter
World Top 10 Brands-2012
1) Apple
2) Google
3) Microsoft
4) IBM
5) Walmart
6) Samsung
7) General Electric
8) Coca Cola
9) Vodafone
10) Amazon
Definition: (noun)
An implement w/ a shaft & barbed point used 4.catching fish.
Synonyms: lance, spear.
Definition: (verb)
Overturn accidentally.
Synonyms: turn turtle.
Left-handed people are more susceptible to negative emotions (like anger) and are more affected by fear.
Ants do not sleep.
Finland has 187,888 lakes&179,584 islands.
The Nile river is 6,690 kilometers
Your body uses 200 muscles to take a single step.
Ice is a mineral and is formally described as such in Dana's System of Mineralogy.
Indian Parliament is made up of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha & President.
Maximum Life of an ordinance promulgated by the president is 6 months.
Definition: (verb)
Make a crackling sound.
Synonyms: crackle.
The words "abstemious" and "facetious" both have all the five vowels in them in order
Finland has 187,888 lakes &179,584
The Nile river is 6,690 kilometers
Your body uses 200 muscles to take
a single step.
In 1976,fourteen banks merged to
form a bank credit card called "Mastercharge."This was later
renamed to what is now know as "Mastercard."
The two Home Leagues were founded in 1916. Their founders were ?
I. Annie Besant
II. B. G. Tilak
III. Motilal Nehru
Ans : (I and II)
Salivary Amylase enzyme-present in your saliva(lar).
Pituitary gland is called master gland.
Area of INDIA-32,87,263 sq. km.
Countries & his Independence Date:
Afghanistan: 19th August
Armenia:28th May
Australia:4th January
U.S.A: 4th July
Bangladesh: 16th December.
[HSDPA] High-Speed Downlink Packet Access is an enhanced 3G mobile communications protocol in the High-Speed Packet Access [HSPA] family.
India's Maximum one horned. Rhinos are found in Kaziranga National Park, Assam, as per 2012 census its population is 2505
Definition: (noun)
Crafty deception or trickery or an instance of it.
Synonyms: hanky panky, hocus-pocus, jiggery-pokery, slickness
Definition: (noun)
An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
Synonyms: bruise.
Companies & Founder Countries:
Nokia: Finland
LG/Samsung: South Korea
Sony: Japan
Apple, Google, Microsoft, HP: United States Of America
Millions of trees in the world are
accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts & then forget where they hide them.
Do good & forget it will grow.
Definition: (adjective)
Occurring immediately after birth.
Synonyms: postpartum.
There are 195 members in UNESCO . Palestine is the latest Member Of UNESCO