Every year about 98% of atoms in your body are replaced.
The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples
Every year about 98% of atoms in your body are replaced.
The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples
The verb "cleave" is the only English
word with two synonyms which are
antonyms of each other: adhere and separate.
Definition: (adjective)
In disarray; extremely disorderly.
Synonyms: frowzled, rumpled, tousled.
Abandoned village on the island of Hirta (in the picture can be seen a few renovated houses used by scientists) link |
Street in the abandoned village link |
Island in 2008 link |
The last house on Holland Island in May 2010. This house fell into the bay in October 2010 link |
Skeletons of abandoned Buildings and Docks on North Brother Island link |
The road between the abandoned buildings link |
Welcome sign at the Enyu aristrip on Bikini Atoll, site of post-WWII nuclear bomb testing link |
link |
link |
Abandoned buildings on the island of Hashima link |
Abandoned houses on Great Blasket Island link |
The view from the island link |
link |
The school on Stroma, it is now used as a shed for shearing sheep link |
link |
The ruins of Bannerman's castle link |
Definition: (verb)
To sell goods for a lower price than (another seller).
Synonyms: undercut.
At which of the following Indus valley civilization site would you come across world's earliest known dock ?
Lothal (Gujarat)
Definition: (noun)
An informal term for a youth or man.
Synonyms: guy, bozo, cat.
Definition: (noun)
Invalid or incorrect reasoning.
Synonyms: inconsequence.
Definition: (adjective)
Resembling or made to resemble leather; tough but pliable.
Synonyms: leatherlike.
Top 5 Gold Producing Countries in
1.China (From 2007 Tops)
5.South Africa
Which pigment gives plants and leaves their green colour ?
Definition: (adjective)
Suggesting human characteristics 4 animals or inanimate things.
Synonyms: humanlike.
Definition: (noun)
An art movement in sculpture & painting that began in the 1950s & emphasized extreme simplification of form & colour.
The system of democracy was
introduced 2500 years ago in Athens, Greece.
The oldest existing governing body
operates in Althing in Iceland.
VISA:Visitor's Intention of Staying
YOU'll Be Suprised to Know That The Earth Receive Only 1 In 2,O0,0O,0O,O0,0O0 parts of the
sun's energy.
Name of the CalTech seismologist who invented the scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes ?
A.Charles Richter
B.Hiram Walker
The members of SAARC are Bhutan,
Bangladesh, the Maldives, Nepal,
India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.
Where is the permanent secretariat of the SAARC ?
A. Kathmandu
B. New Delhi
C. Islamabad
D. Colombo
Answer: A
Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries.
Colgate translates into the command "go hang yourself."
The silk that is produced by spiders is stronger than steel.
Definition: (noun)
The act of refusing an offer.
Synonyms: nonacceptance.
Definition: (adjective)
Difficult to deal with.
Synonyms: contrarious.
Definition: (verb)
Oppose & mitigate the effects of by contrary actions.
Synonyms: countervail, neutralize,
Definition: (verb)
Censure severely.
Synonyms: castigate, chastise , objurgate, correct.
After the death of the genius, Albert Einstein, his brain was removed by a pathologist and put in a jar for future study.
Study Of Microorganism Is Called
The Most Primitive Organisms Are
Viruses Are Total Parasite.
What Is A Function Of A Keyboard In Computer ?
Ans: Input
The Most Common Input Device Are Keyboard, Mouse.
Definition: (noun)
An aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades.
Synonyms: eggbeater,
Amino Acid Is The Smallest Unit Of Protein.
The Study Of Rocks Is Known As Petrology.
Stem Cutting Are Commonly Used For Re-growing Sugar Cane.
With which sport is the Jules Rimet
trophy associated ?
Answer: Option B
Happy Indepndance Day to All.
Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) facilitate bank-related financial services, such as investment, risk pooling, market brokering.
The Jaz drive was a removable disk
storage system, introduced by the
Iomega company in 1995, originally
released with a 1 GB capacity.
Definition: (adjective)
Aggressively & persistently persuasive.
Synonyms: forceful, aggressive, compelling, intensive, persistent
The luminous coloured ring,
surrounding the sun is called the
A. nebula
B. comet
C. asteroid
D. corona
Answer: D
The minor planets revolving between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars are called
OLYMPIC FLAG 5 colour rings indicates 5 continents of world
BLue ring-Europe
Definition: (noun)
The reversal of the normal order of words.
Synonyms: inversion.
Definition: (verb)
Prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening.
Synonyms: deflect, head off, avert,
avoid, debar, obviate.
Fastest time to cover 100 meters:Falcon 1 second;
Cheetah 3 sec;
Atlantic Sailfish 3.1 sec;
Lion 4 sec;
Giraffe 7 sec;
Usain Bolt 9.58 sec.
Usain Bolt ran 100 meters in just 41 steps. Per step, he covers 2.44 mt.
As a kid he used to carry water carriers for miles to earn money.
Definition: (adjective)
Having or exerting a malignant influence.
Synonyms: malevolent, malign, evil.
Speed of sound in air at 0'C 332m/s.
For every 1 degree rise in temp.it
increases abt 0.61m/s
Which scientist discovered the
radioactive element radium ?
A.Isaac Newton
B.Albert Einstein
C.Benjamin Franklin
D.Marie Curie
Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring
chelate compound in which
central metal is
If You keep your eyes open by force
when you sneeze, you might pop an
eyeball out.
A duck's quack doesn't echo, n no
one knows why.
Gilt-edged market means
A.bullion market
B.market of government securities
C.market of guns
D.market of pure metals
Eritrea, which became the 182nd
member of the UN in 1993, is in the continent of Africa.
The great Victoria Desert is located in
B.West Africa
D.North America
Answer: Option C
Which of the following metals forms an amalgam with other metals ?
Answer: Option B
DEET is an insect repellant, used to
destroy mosquitoes in houses.
Polygraph - popularly referred to as a lie detector.
Jamaica's Usain Bolt defends 100m
title with new Olympic record of
Hiroshima marks 67th anniversary of world's 1st atomic bomb attack
A spirometer is an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs.
Microsoft is renaming its vintage
Hotmail email service as Outlook.com with new features
Olympic record:Michael Phelps alone has 19 medals
India is the world's largest,oldest,continuous civilization.
India never invaded any country in
her last 1000 years of history.
Martial Arts were first created in
India, and later spread to Asia by
Buddhist missionaries.
India is the world's Largest
Definition: (verb)
Work with in an amateurish manner.
Synonyms: smatter, play around.
Definition: (adjective)
Stunned orconfused & slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion).
Synonyms: foggy, logy,
Definition: (verb)
Beg persistently & urgently.
Synonyms: insist.
Definition: (adjective)
Composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency.
Synonyms: grainy, granular.
Definition: (verb)
Cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid.
Synonyms: rust, eat.
What Is The Percentage Of India's
Population To the World Population ?
The Most Literate Union Territory In India Is Lakshadweep.
Long Distance Short-wave Radio
Broad-casting Uses Ionospheric Wave.
Modern Communicaion Systems Use Digital Circuits.
Who Was The First European To Designate Aryanas A Race ?
Ans:-Max Muller
Today is Lord Krishna's Birthday known as Janmastmi.
Mathura Has around 400 temples
dedicated to Nandgopal.
Lord Krishna is known by Around
108 names in the world.
japan- ju-jitsu
Canada- ice hockey
Russia- chess
pakistan& India- hockey.
Definition: (noun)
Someone who gossips indiscreetly.
Synonyms: talebearer, tattler, tattletale.
The coconut is the largest seed in the world.
A leech has 32 brains.
The human brain has about 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) neurons.
Definition: (verb)
Force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action.
Synonyms: drag in, sweep up, tangle.
The shortest war in history was
between Zanzibar and England in
Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
Definition: (adjective)
Expressing or manifesting praise or approval.
Synonyms: approbative, affirmative.
Definition: (noun)
An effigy in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds.
Synonyms: straw man.
Martin Cooper invented the first
mobile phone in 1973.
It weighed 2.5 pounds, had a talk time of 30 minutes and took 10 hours to recharge.
The Average cough comes out of Ur
mouth at 60 miles (96.5 km) Per hour.
44% of kids watch television before
they go to sleep.
The only 15 letter word that can be
spelled without repeating its letters is "Uncopyrightable".
The Most Popular sites
1. google.com
2. facebook.com
3. youtube.com
4. yahoo.com
5. baidu.com
6. wikipedia.org
7. live.com
8. twitter.com